Affiliate FAQ

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Affiliate FAQ

To sign up for the Affiliate Program:

  1. Login to your Shipito Account. If you don't already have one, you will need to create that first
  2. Click "My Account"
  3. Click "My Affiliate Account"
  4. Click "Affiliate Sign Up"
  6. You will now be able to see your affiliate referral link/URL under "My Affiliate Dashboard"
  7. Copy that link/URL and start sharing it anywhere you think people will use it

Earning money with the Shipito Affiliate Program is easy. When you sign-up for the program you will be given a URL which includes your affiliate ID. Share this URL as a hot link on your website, social media, blog or wherever you plan to promote Shipito. When your followers click on the link, and sign up for a Shipito account they will be credited to your account. Once they ship a package you will earn 10% of the shipping fees. As that customer ships more packages you will receive additional money at certain intervals. To learn more click HERE.
When you sign up for our affiliate program you can use links with an affiliate ID or register your domain name in your affiliate account. When you register your domain name we have to be able to verify your ownership through WHOIS. You cannot hide your identity with privacy settings. Once you register your domain name our database will monitor every referral from your website and it will stay in our database for 60 days. If the customer makes the registration within 60 days it will be counted towards your affiliate commission.
No, unless you get a written prior approval from Shipito.
NO. Do not create a Shipito website. We do not allow using SHIPITO name in any URL or domain name without written prior approval from us. We also do not allow using the Shipito logo without our written approval.
Affiliate payment requests can not include the current month’s affiliate commissions and must include all commissions once the month has completed. We are not accepting payment requests for partial commissions earned during the current month.

For example, payment requests for all commissions earned in May, must be made in June. You are welcome to submit requests for multiple months as long as the requested commissions were earned in the months prior to the request. In this scenario, payments for commissions earned in April, May, and June can be requested as soon as July 1.

All affiliate payment requests will be paid out the following month of request date. For example, affiliate payments requested during May will be processed on June.