



公開済 Mar 17, 2022







Carrots and Vegatables



  • 適切な場所を見つける:家の中で、自然光がたくさん入る場所を探しましょう。マンション住まいなら、バルコニーや窓際に庭を作るのもよいでしょう。
  • 適切な植物を選ぶ:すべての植物が同じように育てれるわけではありません。日光が必要な植物もあれば、水が必要な植物もあり、どのような植物が自分の環境に適しているか、よく調べてみましょう。プランターボックスには、役に立つ植栽ガイドが付属しているものもあります。
  • 適切な道具を揃える:植物の世話をするには、いくつかの基本的なガーデニング用具が必要です。これらの道具が手に入りにくい地域にお住まいの方は、海外郵便転送サービスや海外荷物転送サービスをご利用ください。
  • 定期的に水をやる:植物にとって最も重要なことの一つは、定期的に水をやることです。植物の種類にもよりますが、毎日、もしくは2日に1回は水をやる必要があります。
  • 忍耐強くなる:ガーデニングには時間と忍耐が必要です。一夜にして植物が成長するとは思わないでください。少しの手入れと注意で、あっという間に美しい庭を楽しむことができるようになります。
Growing Garden Plants



1. Pruning Shears(剪定ばさみ)




2. Gardening Hose With Adjustable Nozzle(調節可能なノズル付きガーデニングホース)


オススメは、Fiskars の Softouch Trowel(ソフトタッチこて)です。このこては丈夫な素材でできており、快適なソフトグリップハンドルが付いています。また、ほとんどのガーデニング作業に最適なサイズです。

Mixed Vegetables

3. Trowel(こて)


オススメは、Fiskars の Softouch Trowel(ソフトタッチこて)です。このこては丈夫な素材でできており、快適なソフトグリップハンドルが付いています。また、ほとんどのガーデニング作業に最適なサイズです。

4. Garden Gloves(ガーデングローブ)




5. Garden Fork(ガーデンフォーク)



Amazonでは、DeWit Forged Garden Fork を強くおすすめします。ほとんどのガーデニング作業に適した万能サイズです。

Gardening Gloves

6. Spray Bottle

A spray bottle is a tool that is used for watering plants and can be especially helpful when having to garden indoors. It has a small nozzle that you can adjust to control the amount of water flow. Many spray bottles also have a trigger that makes it easy to pump the water.

We recommend this garden sprayer. This comes with a pump that makes it easy to pressurize the water. Sprayers come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, so pick what best meets your needs.

7. Watering Can

A watering can, like a spray bottle, is another useful tool that is great for watering plants. It has a long spout that makes it easy to reach plants.

Many homeowners recommend a watering can that is durable, usually from plastic or metal. This plastic watering can is made from a durable material designed to withstand the elements. It also has a good spout that makes it easy to reach plants.

8. Planter Boxes

Planter Boxes are a great way of organizing and protecting your garden. These kinds of boxes can be used both indoors or outdoors, depending on where you are gardening.

We recommend these inside planter boxes for a useful yet decorative addition to your home. They come with plastic liners to help retain moisture and keep your plants healthy and happy.

Image of dirt & potatoes

9. Hoe

You can loosen the soil, remove weeds, and make furrows for planting with a hoe. It has a long handle and a blade attached at an angle. The blade can be made from different materials, such as steel or carbon steel.

We recommend the Fiskars Ergo Hoe on Amazon. This hoe has a long handle that makes it easy to reach the soil. It also has a blade made from steel, which is durable and will last for years.

10. Wheelbarrow

If you are gardening outside, wheelbarrows are a great tool for transporting soil, plants, and other materials. Wheelbarrows come in various sizes, and if you have a large garden, we recommend a wheelbarrow that can hold at least 200 pounds.

A lot of people recommend the Goplus Dual Wheel Wheelbarrow. This wheelbarrow has a dual wheel that makes it easy to maneuver around the garden. It also has a capacity of over 300 pounds, which is perfect for larger homes and gardens.

Growing Sprouts


Gardening is a great way to be more self-reliant and grow your food, but it takes more than just plants to make a garden thrive. With the right help and the right tools you can make gardening easier and more enjoyable.

For all your gardening needs, be sure to check out Shipito. We offer a variety of business shipping solutions that will make it easy to get your hands on the best gardening tools from US-based stores. With our international package forwarding service, you can save up to 80% on shipping costs when you consolidate your packages.

Before shopping, be sure to check our Restrictions and Limitations page. Shipping laws vary by country and there are certain things that we are not able to ship, so be aware of those limitations before purchasing.
